How Should Manage Time

Time management is the action or practice of managing and supervising time .

Why Time management?

1. To save time
2. To reduce a level stress
3. To function effectively
4. To increase our work output
5. To have more control on our lives

The process of Time Management starts with-

(A) Costing your time
(B) Making Activity logs/chart
(C) Planning
(D) Prioritizing
(E) Scheduling
(F) Goal setting

Costing your time -

How will you cost your time? it is very simple,

1. Understand your real & true value by calculating your cost per year
cost per year =(salary+taxes+ office space+office equipment+profit you generate)

Now start calculation of your per hour value

2.Calculate your hourly rate = cost per year / work hrs per year

After calculating all those things,you should think, where are you now?
….know where do you stand.

Making Activity Chart-

Will Help in-

1. Making a realistic estimate of the time spent during the day
2. Pinpoints the critical areas- time spent on low value work
3. Finding the high yielding times of our day


Should Draw an Action Plan-

* A list of things that need to be done to achieve your Goal,


1. Make a To-Do list
2. Consider the value of the task before deciding to do it-
3. Is it worth spending your time & your company resources?

Should Prioritize your task first,

* The most important jobs should be completed first followed by other jobs,


1.Make a realistic estimate of how much you can do in a day,
2.Plan to make the best use of the available time,
3.Preserve some contingency time to deal with`unexpected jobs'
4.Minimize stress by avoiding over-commitment to yourself & others,

Goal setting-

1. Setting lifetime goals helps you to chart your life course & your career path
2. Break up your lifetime goals in smaller goals
3. Make a daily to-do list
4. Review and update your list on a daily basis & judge your performance

Achieve your goals!

Be your own judge and your own motivator,Be Self confident , make this Time Management your tool for success in your Professional as well as in Personal life ,
It works every where,so start from today onwards,,,,,,,

Best Of Luck,

1 comment:

Unknown said...

hi amit. now this is something which all indians need. time management. and the other main issue is "knowing our worth"....
we all work hard.. but mostly we use our hardwork and mental energy on irrelevent issues. all should learn to manage this aspect of their lives...